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4.86 / 5,00
204 Bewertungen

House and property

Surveillance cameras make house and yard safer

It is a nightmare for everyone: Somebody has broken into the house or into the apartment. The thieves have stolen valuables, property willfully destroyed, the feeling of security in their own four walls is gone. What can you preventively do? In addition to the installation of mechanical safety technology in doors and windows, it makes sense to equip your house with security cameras. 

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49,80 € *
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249,80 € *
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179,00 € *
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219,50 € *
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Items 1 - 11 of 11

Not every burglary can be prevented, but many burglars are deterred by their actions if they know, they are being recorded. If the case arises, you also have evidence that can help identify the perpetrators.

Protection for the house and yard

Not only your home can make you safer with video technology against burglaries, but also your yard. On many farms can be found  valuable stolen goods. In addition to the agricultural machinery itself, some thieves have also targeted the diesel fuel in tractors. This can quickly become an economic disaster for farmers.

It has also happened that animal abusers have broken into stables. Monitoring your farm with barn cameras can be a wise investment in the safety of your animals and machines. The stable monitoring is also possible with a stable camera.

How do I find the right surveillance camera for my house or yard?

Use our camera guide to find the right surveillance camera for your request. Do you want to work with an NVR recorder, for example? Is it important to you to manage your camera over the internet? How expensive can the video security technology be? Which image quality do you want?

These are all questions that can help you find the right camera. We will introduce you to various models, offer sample videos to help you assess the quality of the recording, and provide you with detailed documentation on each camera that explains what the camera can do and how it works.

If you still have questions, you can of course contact us by phone on 02433 964 25 80; our support team is looking forward to your inquiry!

After all, it's about an important decision and the security of your home or farm.

Observe the law when installing cameras

In Germany, very strict rules apply when it comes to attach as a private person cameras. So you absolutely have to be careful, even really only your house or plot to film. The neighboring property, sidewalks and other public places are absolutely taboo, otherwise you could face a fine for breach of privacy rights.

In addition, the video material might be unusable in the event of a break-in, as the offender could challenge it. For this reason, also put on notice signs that are clearly visible - in the end, they will also deter potential thieves.

If you have questions about the legal provisions of a video surveillance for your house or land, here you will find a good guide video surveillance by non-public bodies.

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